Sovereignty lies with IMF : SBP Amendment — 2 : False claims
Finance Minister is making claims that are simply untrue
Now updated with alternate viewpoint at the end.
I am still on the road so I apologize for the typos and formatting issues if any.
فرض کرو ہم اہل وفا ہوں، فرض کرو دیوانے ہوں
فرض کرو یہ دونوں باتیں جھوٹی ہوں افسانے ہوں
فرض کرو یہ جی کی بپتا جی سے جوڑ سنائی ہو
فرض کرو ابھی اور ہو اتنی آدھی ہم نے چھپائی ہو
فرض کرو تمہیں خوش کرنے کے ڈھونڈھے ہم نے بہانے ہوں
فرض کرو یہ نین تمہارے سچ مچ کے مے خانے ہوں
فرض کرو یہ روگ ہو جھوٹا جھوٹی پیت ہماری ہو
فرض کرو اس پیت کے روگ میں سانس بھی ہم پر بھاری ہو
فرض کرو یہ جوگ بجوگ کا ہم نے ڈھونگ رچایا ہو
فرض کرو بس یہی حقیقت باقی سب کچھ مایا ہو
— ابنِ انشاء
Oh what a tangled web we weave
When first we practice to deceive
— Walter Scott
If anybody is lying here, senator, it is you
— Dr. Anthony Fauci to Senator Rand Paul
I was tagged in the following
I couldn’t believe that the Finance Minister and a Senator to boot can state something so ridiculous.
I wondered if he was quoted out of context so I searched for the original news. Yep. Turns out he did make the subject statement when speaking to the press after the parliamentary session.
انہوں نے کہا کہ اگر فرض کریں اسٹیٹ بینک ہمارے ہاتھ سے نکلنے کی کوشش کرے گا، حالانکہ یہ ہونا نہیں چاہیے لیکن اگر ایسا ہوا تو ہم سادہ اکثریت کے ساتھ اس کی خودمختاری ختم کردیں گے، اس میں کیا مسئلہ ہے۔
It can be translated as
He said, “Suppose the SBP tries to get out of our hands, even though it shouldn't, but if it does, we will end its sovereignty with a simple majority, what is the problem in it?”
The statement is problematic on so many levels. Let me count the ways
What does the finance minister mean when he says that “SBP tries to get out of our hands?” SBP isn’t really independent if it is in the hands of government or finance minister.
SBP isn’t independent if the finance minister can threaten to end its independence with a simple majority.
Finally, as I covered in my last post, parliament can’t pass any legislation in future with respect to SBP unless it has “consulted” with SBP. The bill doesn’t define what does consulting entail. Does the finance minister know what is written in the bill?
As per The Profit
While presenting the finance supplementary and SBP amendment bills in the National Assembly (NA), Tarin added that the SBP governor will be accountable as he will be answerable to the parliament.
Which raises the question, accountable for what. Accountability will only come when performance of SBP can be measure against some objective. But the objective is some vaguely defined mumbo jumbo as covered in earlier post.
How can the finance minister make such patently false and controversial claims?
